Worked fine once then crashed every time I tried to use it.
Worked fine once then crashed every time I tried to use it.
Just tested between iPad and iPhone. Works as described. e.g. On iPhone, opened a PDF in GoodReader, then using "Open In" exported the PDF to this app. Setup bluetooth connection to iPad, and the used "Send by bluetooth" to transfer the PDF from the iPhone to the iPad. On the iPad could then open the PDF in GoodReader, once again using "open in" from this app. File transfer worked also in reverse direction from iPad to iPhone. Was also able to transfer photos from camera roll. The Bluetooth connection drops when another app is started, so it is necessary to transfer any files internally from other apps to Bluetooth Share, then setup the Bluetooth connection. The app isnt great but it does work, which is fair enough given its free.
Does it really send music from ipod to iphone?
Je trouve Bluetooth très utile
You would be better off to type in all of your contacts one by one....
Doesnt work at all, both devices kept saying "looking for...."
これはローカルWiFi→Bluetooth通信に変換できるアプリ。 マイクラの通信ができるっていうのは 「近くにWiFi機がなくてもこのアプリを所有する複数のデバイス同士のBluetooth通信(近距離)が可能になる」というだけのこと。 遠くの人とマルチしたいなら「Multiplayer for MCPE」を買うか脱獄するしかない。
blue toothが効くのは半径10m以内ですよ?
iPhoneをバージョン8にアップデートしたところ Bluetoothでの通信がで気なくなりました!
Works only with apple devices
Stupid. Only works with other idevices. Blutooth is bluetooth, should work with any other bt device.
This app worked great for transferring a document from my iPhone to my iPad (useful because there was a lack of Internet and my wifi only iPad couldnt check mail. However, once on the iPad my only option, besides viewing, was to print. App would be much better if I could choose to open the transferred document in Pages or a PDF in iBooks.
Was never able to get app. to work properly so I deleted it for now... It Never located my Mac or iPod ... Which were all beside the main device which was my iPhone
-------- Ill give 4stars because the connection is good and everything works in transferring files and I like the contacts transfer too. The only thing that bothers me is the low resolution because theres no iPad version of this app. Its hard to see PDFs. If there is not going to be an iPad version at least give the option to open pdfs and other files with other iPhone apps. Ill be holding on to this app and gladly pay 99c for this feature if its too out of the way. Thanks for your time. -------- Just found out there is an iPad version but would still like the feature to open files with other apps
Couldnt get it to send photo from iPhone to itouch at first. It just sat there thinking for 5 min. So I canceled and tried again a few times to no evail. Finally decided to do the opposite (send pic from itouch to iPhone) and it worked immediately. After that I was able to send from phone with ease. Dont know what the deal was with that. Very easy and quick once it gets going.
Once access is given. People can push files without consent.
This app is fine if u just want to send things between iDevices but I dont. I want to get pics from my phone to my iPod so I can put them on fb and I cant find any apps tht will help me. When they get smart enough to creat an app that does tht I would pay for it but this app is not worth a dime.
Waste of money. Never again!
It does just what I need it to do